lauantai 28. elokuuta 2010

Vinkkejä viikoksi osa 1: pakkaaminen

Kolme viikkoa lähtöön. Kohta pitää jo tosissaan alkaa miettiä, että mitä sitä pakkaisi. Lähtöhurmiossa olen selaillut pakkausvinkkejä niin lehtien sivuilta kuin keskustelufoorumeiltakin. Tässä parhaita paloja.

  • Condoms: Whatever your sexuality, your religion, your promises to your mum or your past pulling record, chances are you’ll be in a situation where condoms could be a lifesaver. Even if it’s just a balloon shortage during a water fight.
  • Dry Shampoo. Look for brands such as Batiste, or if you're well off, Lee Stafford. (Just in case you don't have time for a shower before a lecture, or get up late! Alternatively a hat works fine and you can shower later!)
  • Double duvet: If you’ve got enough duvet to cover two people, it’s more likely that it will be covering two people. QED.
  • Alcohol. For the love of god take some wine and spirits and invite some neighbours over to make friends!!!
  • shot glasses (can double up as egg cups if you're clever!)
  • A lighter - whether you smoke or not, there will come a time when you'll need to set fire to something.
  • A key chain. You WILL lose your keys, they cost a fortune to replace, so fasten them to your person at all times.
  • cheap phone for the nights out - you're bound to lose your phone. Make sure it still has a camera though!
(, The Student Room, StudentWiki)

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